Hell Week – La Jolla, California

Entrenamiento en Las Estacas – Diciembre 2020

Monedas 7 mares

Diary of a Double with Antonio Argüelles – Week 3

Diary of a Double with Antonio Argüelles – Week 2

Diary of a Double, – An Introduction of Antonio Argüelles’ Journey

Kickoff Entrenamiento Doble Cruce Canal de la Mancha 2021

Pedro Rangel Haro and Marianne Alvarez on WOWSA Live

Matthias Kaßner on WOWSA Live

Rohan More on WOWSA Live

Catherine Breed on WOWSA Live

Café acuático con Rafael Álvarez

Café acuático con Ricardo Durón

Café acuático con Ariadna del Villar

Cameron Bellamy, Lynton Mortensen, Antonio Argüelles Discuss the Oceans Seven on WOWSA Live

Tita Llorens On WOWSA Live En Español

Café Acuático con Ricardo Vargas

Café Acuatico con Patty Kohlmann

Café Acuático con Jaime Lomelín

Mark Hamilton, Michael Twigg-Smith, David Harvey On WOWSA Live

Open Water Swimming In Mexico On WOWSA Live

Café acuático con Miquel Sunyer

Café acuático con Tita Llorens

Café acuático con Nora Toledano

Café acuático con Mariel Hawley

Bonnie Tsui, Kimberley Chambers, Antonio Argüelles on WOWSA Live

Antonio Argüelles On WOWSA Live

Hugo Rodríguez, Ivar Sisniega and Antonio Argüelles on WOWSA Live

Seven Summits’ Karla Wheelock and Oceans Seven’s Mariel Hawley on WOWSA Live

Entrevista con Karla Iberia Sánchez – Lanzamiento libro “Travesía Interminable”

Entrevista con Leo Zuckermann – “Lanzamiento de Libro Travesía Interminable”

Entrevista con Paola Rojas – Lanzamiento de Libro “Travesía Interminable”

Double Crossing Catalina Channel 2019

Brazada a brazada – Punta Chueca

Documentary Wind & Waves (subtitles in spanish)

Narration of my crossing by the North Channel

Chi Kung routine

Conference in CDMX Marathon Forum

Crossing the Cook Strait

My cruise on the Catalina Channel

Extraordinary Lives – Antonio Argüelles

Crossing the Tsugaru Strait

Crossing the Gibraltar Strait


If you are interested in Antonio Argüelles’ talks and would like him to visit your event or institution, contact us at: conferencias@antonioarguelles.com and we will be happy to consider your request.